Academic OneFileThis link opens in a new windowMost resources will require you to enter your Minuteman library card number for access outside the library. Resource provided by MBLC and MLS, with support from IMLS
The granddaddy of academic databases. Use this once you have narrowed down your topic a bit to find articles from newspapers, magazines, video, podcasts and academic journals dated 1980-present.
Britannica School This link opens in a new windowuser: weston
pass: wildcats
The best place to start your research. Authoritative entries help you understand the scope of your topic and generate keywords. Choose your reading level. Translation available.
Business Gale Onefile This link opens in a new windowMost resources will require you to enter your Minuteman library card number for access outside the library. Resource provided by MBLC and MLS, with support from IMLS
This collection contains articles on accounting, marketing and management, and related fields.
CulturegramsThis link opens in a new windowusername: weston
password: wildcats
Geography, maps, history and cultural information about all countries.
Gale eBooksThis link opens in a new windowpassword: wildcats
General OneFile: Gale This link opens in a new windowMost resources will require you to enter your Minuteman library card number for access outside the library. Resource provided by MBLC and MLS, with support from IMLS
A one-stop source for news and periodical articles on a wide range of topics.
Excellent place to start researching world history papers with current events themes.
Health and Wellness: Gale This link opens in a new windowMost resources will require you to enter your Minuteman library card number for access outside the library. Resource provided by MBLC and MLS, with support from IMLS.
Reference, magazines, journals, and pamphlets from authoritative medical sources.
High School Edition: Gale OneFile This link opens in a new windowMost resources will require you to enter your Minuteman library card number for access outside the library. Resource provided by MBLC and MLS, with support from IMLS
A collection of magazine and journal articles suitable for high school curriculum.
Infobase eBooksThis link opens in a new windowuser: westonhs
password: wildcats
5,000 ebooks suited for research in all subjects. Especially good for US History, Government and English.
JSTORThis link opens in a new windowsign up for ecard at Boston Public Library website for access
Papers published in academic journals on tightly focused topics. Access is through Boston Public Library. Apply for an ecard below.
JSTOR ecard applicationThis link opens in a new windowApply for your BPL ecard here to access JSTOR.
Kanopyuser: weston password: wildcats. Once you're signed in you can create an individual account to save lists.
Full length videos, documentaries and instructional videos.
Thousands of articles from encyclopedias, academic books, and other reliable research and reference sources – plus newspapers, magazines, and journals – are available to every Massachusetts resident free of charge.
MediaCastThis link opens in a new windowyour Weston network user/password combo
All the videos in our catalog, plus thousands of short videos from NBC Learning
Middle School: Gale in Context This link opens in a new windowMost resources will require you to enter your Minuteman library card number for access outside the library. Resource provided by MBLC and MLS, with support from IMLS.
Topic-based research and learning. A great choice for ELL students. Translation available.
Peterson’s Career Prep helps you build a resume, find a career, and get advice on job seeking process.
An account is required to access some resources and save your progress in the prep material. An email address is not required, but highly recommended, to create an account.
Psychology: Gale OneFile This link opens in a new windowMost resources will require you to enter your Minuteman library card number for access outside the library. Resource provided by MBLC and MLS, with support from IMLS
Find articles on personality, the human mind, memory, and more. Access hundreds of subject-appropriate full-text periodicals - many cited in the PsycINFO index.
A definitive resource for students studying both the applied and general sciences. With coverage dating back to 1986, ProQuest Science Journals features over 1030 titles, with more than 760 available in full text. Search over 2.7M records, dating back to the mid 1980s.
Statewide databases are provided by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners. Funded by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners and the Institute of Museum and Library Services.
Scholastic Go!This link opens in a new windowuser: westonhigh
pass: grolier
Science: Gale in ContextThis link opens in a new windowMost resources will require you to enter your Minuteman library card number for access outside the library. Resource provided by MBLC and MLS, with support from IMLS
Current, authoritative information on a wide range of science topics.
Science Database This link opens in a new windowMost resources will require you to enter your Minuteman library card number for access outside the library. Resource provided by MBLC and MLS, with support from IMLS
A collection of science journals. Includes Natural History, American Scientist, Science News, Popular Science, Psychology Today.
A broad collection of scholarly analysis and full-text periodicals, reference works and primary documents that cover the events, movements, and individuals that have shaped world history.