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Learn how to use Noodletools, an online research tool that helps you create, organize, and keep citations and notecards for research projects.

Noodletools Help

Learn how to use Noodletools, an online research tool that helps you create, organize, and keep citations and notecards for research projects.

"Quick Cite" copy/paste

Copy a preformatted citation into your Noodletools with "quick cite"


"Quick cite" Step 1

image of noodletools screen


"Quick cite" Step 2

After choosing the type of citation you are making, click the "Quick Cite" button

image of noodletools screen


"Quick cite" Step 3

image of noodletools scree n

Import citations from Gale databases


Import Step 1

On your Gale database article, choose the "cite" button

image of gale database screen


Import Step 2

Choose "MLA" format and export to Noodletools

image of gale database screen


Import Step 3

Make sure you are importing to the correct Noodletools project, then choose "Import Reference"

image of Noodletools screen


Import Step 5

In this pop up window, the green stripe confirms the citation has been imported to your Noodletools project. Close this tab, go back to your Noodletools project tab, refresh your browser and the citation will populate. 

image of noodletools import screen

Build the citation for a website

  1. Open up your project and click on the sources tab
  2. Click "new source"
  3. Select what kind of source it is
  4. Fill in the blanks paying special attention to asterisks and warning signs. Noodletools will walk you through using these signs to make sure you understand what you should be putting in. It will tell you what to capitalize and what to leave out. For example, you don't need to list the same name three times when the name of the website, publisher, and container are all the same--you need to list it only once. If you can't find a date of publicaiton, don't put one in. 
  5. Hit "save" at the end


Build Step 1

image of noodletools screen


Build Step 2

image of noodletools screen


Build Step 3

image of noodletools screen

Build Step 4

image of noodletools screen

Build Step 5

Hit "Save"

Import books citations by ISBN

When citing a print book (an actual book that you can hold in your hands), use the shortcut of importing the citation using the book's ISBN (International Standard Book Number).  The ISBN is printed above the barcode or on copyright page of the book. If you don't have the book anymore, you can look up the ISBN in the library catalog or Amazon. 


Import book citations Step 1

image of noodletools page


Import book citation by ISBN Step 2

image of noodletools page


Import book citation by ISBN Step 3

image of noodletools page


Import book citation by ISBN Step 4

image of Noodletools page